Monday, August 29, 2011

Tips to Remove Scratches from Mobile Phone Screen

So to remove scratches, just use these simple Tips :

1) Simple Toothpaste Trick- We can use any normal Toothpaste that we use normally to brush our teeths to remove scratches from Mobile Phone Screen. For this Trick just put a blob of Toothpaste on the Screen and Rub the screen gently with soft cloth where the scratches are. occurs.
Leave it to dry for a while and then wipe the toothpaste carefully from the screen and clean the screen. Use this Trick two to three times if results are not seen at first try.

2) Use Scratch Removing Lotion- Using Scratch Removing Lotion can can also help us in removing the Scratches from the Scrached Screen. These Lotions are easily available in the Mobile Stores or Sun Glasses Shops. For using this Trick just apply Lotion on the Screen and Rub same as done with Toothpaste.

So these are Tips to Remove Scratches from Mobile Phone Screen.


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